I've taken time to cool off before responding to the disappointment and disease that are the results of the 2004 election, nationally and otherwise. Within the stages of grief, I'm still at stage One:
Denial that so many hateful, ignorant people can live amongst me without even knowing that they are hateful and ignorant (hence, ignorance, Sara).
Denial that
the majority of people are the hateful, ignorant people of which I speak.
And mostly, denial that a man who lies, casts stones, and war-mongers will continue to be our president for the next FOUR years, a time that he will use wisely, I'm sure, in his quest to empower the rich and fuck over the poor.
Four more years of this! Don't be surprised if I develop a twitch and start smoking crack by the end of it all. Hey, everybody copes differently, don't judge me.
A popular I'm-hurt-and-in-denial coping strategy of the nation's progressives has been humor, such as the satirical suggestion of forming a new country made up of only the "blue" states. Tim Bedore, a comedian and political commentator on NPR's Marketplace expressed this sentiment yesterday. You should definitely listen... it's pretty funny.
Click Here:
NPR's Marketplace: Commentary by Tim Bedore
Press the "Listen to commentary" button and the show will start playing in RealPlayer format. It's a fast-streaming program, even if you use dial-up.
Enjoy, and remember: Depression is anger without the enthusiasm. Perk up and start working toward change, both today and in 2008.