Senator Kerry did a fantastic job speaking aside the bumbling, stuttering, ten second sound-byte speaker that we like to call our president, who is also physically incapable of internalizing his thoughts; Throughout the debate, George's face was an inch away from turning into a tongue-stuck-out, "na na na na, na!" Kerry was clear, organized, and strong with his messages that Bush has caused America to loose credibility.
My only concern with Kerry was that he did not, in so many words, retort to Bush's ump-teenth declaration that Kerry sends "mixed signals" by stating that making informed changes is not only wise, but critical for making such high stakes decisions as those made in times of war. This is as close as he got:
"It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and be wrong. It's another to be certain and be right, or to be certain and be moving in the right direction, or be certain about a principle and then learn new facts and take those new facts and put them to use in order to change and get your policy right. What I worry about with the president is that he's not acknowledging what's on the ground, that he's not acknowledging the realities in North Korea, he's not acknowledging the truth of the science of stem-cell research or of global warming and other issues. " -Kerry
According to NPR fact checkers, both candidates exaggerated some war facts. Most exaggerated was Bush's estimate of 10,000 registered voters in Iraq. While the number may be accurate, Steve Inskeep says that not only are many Iraqis double-registered, many will likely not vote as a result of corruption and consequences for those that do. Most of Kerry's exagerations were plausable, however, whereas Bush's were pretty unfounded.
If you didn't watch the debate, get your act together and join the rest of us in running this country. Full transcripts and the audio recording of the debate is available at www.npr.org.
If I hear the phrase "mixed messages" one more time I think I'll puke. At least he didn't say "Axis of Evil," that one would have sent me over!
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