Today was my last day as a student teacher!!!
While I am pleased to be half-way finished with graduate school, I am so sad to be leaving full time teaching for full-time classes. Bleh! Today was a great end to an awesome experience. We watched a slideshow of all of the photos I've taken this term, I taught a fun art project, and my class gave me THREE pirate books and a book of letters that they wrote.
Below are some of my students' letters of recommendation to my future employers. I didn't correct their spelling errors because they're cute.
You would like to hire Hiss. Hos for a teacher. She is smart and knows what she's doing. She's nice, funny, and she loves to teach. She knows what to do when it comes to fun activities! She taught us lots of math games and P.E. games. She's really cool cause she teaches songs too! She is so ausum, you should hire her!
I think that you should hire Ms. Hoskinson. She should be hired because she is a really good teacher and she teaches us a lot. She is very nice. Plus she is very funny. We like her a lot. Ms. Hoskinson is really fun, but here are 3 best things she has done with us. Once she taught us a game called Shipwreck and that was fun. She helped us make mini wagons too! Plus she helps make lots of art projects. That's why you should hire her and I think she will be a great teacher.
I think you should hire Miss. Hoskinson. she is a very nice teacher. She is aware of what is going on in her class. Miss Hoskinson is very out going. She has a lot of fun games to play at P.E. and that winds us down. She keeps us under control.
She loves, I meen loves pirates. She reads us books about birates and she palys fun games about pirates. She is the only one I now that loves pirates. It is fun to have her in our class, I think you would like her too.
Miss. Hoskinson is a great teacher. Miss Hos is very kind, helpful and responsible. Miss Hos has done a lot of fun things with us. She taught us fun songs, read story's and when she reads she uses a lot of expression. I like Miss Hos because she is really funny and Makes me laugh. When she gives direction almost always explains it. She makes learning fun.
What awesome recommendations! I think I might really bring them into a principal when I start interviewing!
"She has a lot of fun games to play at P.E. and that winds us down. She keeps us under control."
How precious!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I had to re-take elementary school, you WOULD be my teacher. These letters literally brought tears to my eyes, because they weren't forced. These kids love you and I guarantee you'll be sorely missed next term. You've touched these kids so fondly and memorably that they'll never forget you. I can safely say that the only teachers I remember are the ones such as yourself... imaginative, caring, educational and above all... PIRATE LOVERS!!! :)
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