Rachel has been trying on 25 since last night (at Tasty Thai). She is still alive and doesn't seem strangely older and odder, so I think I'm okay with turning 25 next month. Thanks for being the age guinea pig Rach.
You may remember me from such self-help tapes as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Some Confidence, Stupid!”
I'll be 25 in September, so you're beating me to it. You'll have to let me know if you like, develop a hump, gray hairs or crows' feet.
Sara- Tell Rachel happy birthday for me! -maja
Yay Maja!!! I will tell her. And no, no crows feet so far. I'll give my full report when I turn on April 13th. Ah, aging.
I turned 25 once, and it was ok.
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