9:50 Leave the House. (Unless it is Tuesday or Thursday, which means I first work at the lab at 8:00, or if it is Monday, which means I have a staff meeting at 9:00 and leave at 8:30, which also means no carpooling with program coworker)
10:00 Pick up Programskie. Sit in front of Programskie's hippie co-op for five minutes waiting for him to notice I'm there. Watch Programskie realize he's forgotten something and run back into the hippie co-op only to return with an almost left-behind lunch item that smells like cumin and barf
10:10 Turn up radio to give hint to Programskie that I don't want to hear him free-style rapping all the way to work. Subsequently watch him transition into music and start annoyingly bobbing his head to the rhythm.
10:15 Get involved in a conversation with Programskie about some political or societal problem, to which he will provide partial information and partial idealism/fluffy obnoxiousness.
10:19 Turn up radio and sing along, loudly
10:30 Arrive to the community center where our gear is stored. Unlock gate, pull out activity bus, lock gate, find Programskie so we can leave
10:45 Arrive to park of the day and quickly set up activities for the droves of children that have arrived too early. Tell Programskie to do things. Watch him look confused. Watch Functionalskie (my other co-worker) see what needs to be done and actually do it, without being asked. Also sigh as Programskie leaves his personal items all over the table.
11:00 Watch Programskie play with kids, and watch the kids totally respond to him, and realize that he is, after all, good for something.
4:50 Start packing up the activity bus.
5:00 Programskie notices that it's time to go and looks slightly dazed. Picks up things to put in the bus. Stands holding said items and spacing out. Slight twitch of face, followed by awareness, and finally he starts walking to the bus.
5:10 Start the bus and halt quickly as Programskie realizes he left his shoes. Drive back to the community center.
5:25 Open gate. Park bus. Close gate. Ask Programskie to drop off paperwork upstairs (and find out on Monday that he put it in very strange places throughout the upper floor of the building, and exactly NOT where it should have gone).
5:30 Get in Sara's car. Repeat morning car ride events.
5:45 Drop off Programskie at the hippie co-op.
5:46 Scream into wadded up city-issue sweatshirt and go home.
wow, absolutly hilarious.
at least he's hot.
Hot doesn't make up for it. You'll see what I'm talking about tonight. Or maybe you won't...wouldn't that just be how it is, that he would appear perfectly normal outside of work.
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