I forgot to write about this until now, but February 1st was my one-year aniversary of quitting smoking. I started smoking when I was 13 and quit at age 23. It's hard to believe that someone as young as me can have smoked for ten years. But hey, at least it's ten, not eleven like it could be. I hate to give him any credit, but Terry is totally the reason that I was able to quit. It's amazing the difference a distraction can make, not to mention the fact that hanging out with him made me get over the alcohol+cigarettes equation, which was always equivalent to enhanced hangovers. Seriously, now that I quit smoking I can drink so much before I feel the urge to stop. However, I'm not sure that being able to drink forever and ever is such a great thing, given the circumstances of last Saturday (I can't even count how many drinks I consumed that night). The fact remains- Smoking is bad, quitting is good, and I did just that. Mmmkay. And even when men are complete dickwads, there is always some miniscule thing they can do to improve your life. We'll not go in to how that one thing measures up to the things that totally fuck up your life. That's another post on another day.
Congrats on quitting smoking!
I didn't know you in your smoking days, but I love the cig-free Sara! I'm joining you soon- my whole office smokes and we set up a quit date of the 21st, this coming monday.
Yeah, pretty much if you could give me ONE GOOD REASON, that's a REAL REASON why smoking is good mmmmm'kay, then I would understand. But since there isn't, I don't but did but not anymore. Yay Sara!
Sara is my friend
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