A relaxing weekend, indeed.
Patrick, Robin, Chris, Scott, Sammy, Shad, Liz, and I went to Patrick's family cabin on the coast in Yachatts. We arrived armed with much liquor, bulk snack items purchased at Costco, and a willingness to party. What we did not bring was towells, which was okay, but drying off with a t-shirt after a shower is not optimal. We weren't missing anything else, except maybe the rest of our friends that should have been there, but they were there in spirit and conversation.
Friday night consisted of hefeweisen, cribbage, a walk on the beach, and other such shenanegins. Our walk on the beach was cut short by the fact that it was high tide, so we periodically had to run up to the rocks to avoid getting wet, except for when Sammy and Shad decided to take the waves head on, resulting in the cold wetness of their shoes and pant legs. Afterwards, as we stood on the rocks, Scott and Robin began a Tenacious D sing-along, which while funny did not include everyone present, so Patrick and I started singing the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Belair, and before we could get to the second verse, Robin fell off the rock and got wet too. So three out of seven of us got wet that night. Back at the cabin, we did god knows what for a few more hours and passed out in our respective couches/beds/bunks/fold-outs.
On Saturday morning we made bacon and egg bagel sandwiches and took off to Waldport to go crabbing. While we did not actually catch any crabs that were male or large enough to take legally, we did drink some beer and watch seagulls fight viciously over the bait left by other crabbers. We also saw a loon and a few seals, which are so damn cute. When we got back, there was napping and mochas and cribbage, followed by a fantastic pasta dinner and trivial pursuit pop-culture edition. Robin and I were on fire and totally won, although we would be the first to admit that all of the easy questions were coming to us, and the most obscure fucked-up questions were going to Scott, Sammy, & Shad's team. That night we built a fire on the beach and drank many screw-drivers made with odwalla orange juice and club soda, my new favorite drink. And of course, the Souza came out and was fully conquered. We had a lot of conversations about the changing nature of life and friendships and whatnot, then I passed out cold on the couch. There is a picture of it.
Now Sunday was a different story. I was the queen of hung-over and couldn't really do much. Keeping food down was hard, and even sitting up was pretty much impossible. Even though it was a realy nice day at the coast, sun shiny and beautiful, I camped on the couch as people went to the beach and to the Devil's churn. They had a really good time while I stabilized, so in the end, everyone was doing just fine. After we cleaned up the cabin, Scott, Robin, Patrick and I went to dinner then headed back home.
This was a great weekend, although I'm pretty much going to put myself on self-imposed detox for a while...It is way too easy for me to drink way too much. Thanks for the good times and great oldies everyone!
good times!
Wow, that's pretty sweet. my dad used to take us up there to Yachatts all the time. We would always go to the Blue Whale Family Restaurant for the guaranteed worst food around and the dumbest customers ever. I watched a lady order a glass of ice and a cup of hot coffee. My dad stood back in awe as she made her move. Dad was quick to inform us of her plans and the science lesson unfolded. Needless to say, to the surprise of the waitress and coffee lady, the glass shatered flawlessly and scattered across the table.
Another tradtion our family participated in religiously was faithfully buying lottery tickets at the local store in Yachatts. We seldom if ever won over a dollar, if even our original inverstment, but that never swayed our enthusiasm. We new that one of those days, our efforts would be rewarded and we would walk away as millionaires.
Still waiting.
I think the name of the place we ate was the Drift Inn. I'll let Patrick or Robin tell you about their experiences at the Blue Whale. I love your crazy family and their oh so non-traditional bonding rituals. You should write a book.
First, it's "Yachats". Only one "t". Damn on you! :)
Just kidding. Anyway, the Drift Inn is the best bang-for-the-buck restaurant in Yachats (not that it's cheap, mind you). La Serre is THE BEST, but bring your pocketbook. I've heard The Landmark is equally fabulous, and they have spectacular views. Haven't yet been to the Crabhouse, but it's probably good too. As for the Blue Whale... If you enjoy reheated, freeze-burned vegetables or microwaved burger patties or slimy coleslaw or burned coffee or crusty bagels or Western Family fries or rotten-gut-oh-my-Jesus-God-why-the-fuck-did-I-eat-that feeling, go ahead and eat there.
that's probably the best hat ever.
You mean you've let me spell Yachats wrong all these months? Some spelling support you are, Patty. How was chocolate and Chocolat last night?
D I V I N E. Thank you for asking :)
I guess I should also mention that I got a speeding ticket on the way home. Blah.
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