Well, here we are, with less alcohol in our hands. Oh wait, Buttweed's got a beer. Oh well, what can I say...drinking happens. The sunset on Saturday night was beautiful, and Patrick is totally ready for spinning fire without help. Look at him go!
You may remember me from such self-help tapes as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Some Confidence, Stupid!”
Correction - Patrick has ALREADY spun fire without help. Three times, to be precise. Also, I just learned another cool trick! YAY beach spinning!
What I meant was you are ready to be a master of the fire, as opposed to one who borrows other people's pois. You are the tamer of the fire. I bow to you and your awesomeness.
Just what I need - another person who bows for me. No thanks, Sara.
I guess one boyfriend on his knees is enough, right? Ha ha. May he bow to you often.
And 'L,' damn straight we're hot.
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