There are so many things to say about this weekend that I'm overwhelmed with ideas. It will suffice to say that asses were the theme of the weekend, and keeping one's ass covered lessens the chance of broken windows. Enough said.
You may remember me from such self-help tapes as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Some Confidence, Stupid!”
well, there goes my political career
Sorry about that, senator.
Did somebody break a window?!?!?!
The power of the ass was underestimated until we proved that even ass shatters glass. I love the pics Sara. Can you get the video of my thumb spasm on your blog?
I'm sure Patrick informed you all that our cousin Mark easily gets sand in his vagina about things not being the way they are at the cabin. I know shit happens, but it's important for future use of the cabin to not give him more ammo when it comes to us "kids" using it.
Chris- It was an accident that could have happened when anyone was there. The glass in the window was flawed, and must have been under tremendous pressure if it broke with such little force. I'm actually glad it broke when people were in the cabin, as opposed to during the week. If that had happened, it would have been exposed to damage and the potential for being easily broken into. I'd also like to mention that (on a Saturday in a small coastal town with nothing in it) managed to find, recruit, and pay a contractor to fix the window less than twenty-four hours after it happend. I think that speaks for the awesomeness of our friends and your brother, the kids.
Chris, why are you saying this if you're sure that Patrick already told us?
I am only saying it because members of our extended family pay dues for the cabin, which Patrick and myself are not currenty obligated to pay. That means that we have less pull when it comes to when we want to use the cabin and what happens there. I know shit happens, I'm not mad that the window got broken, I just want cabin privileges to remain as they are now- where Patrick and myself are allowed to bring out friends to hang out there. In the eyes of our "more adult" relatives, incidents like this reflect on everybody and their respect for that place.
Oh Chris just admit that you're jealous cause you couldnt take part in the ass party!
Patrick already let us know.
I think the incident reflects the integrity of Patrick and the group of people that was present for collectively owning and responding to a problem as it arose. It reflects nothing but respect for the cabin and your family.
I think so too, but that's not the opinion of those who own the cabin.
Do you mean, as a fact it is not their opinion, or that is potentially how they will view it? I'm sorry if they think we were abusing the place, but it just isn't true.
Chris, I understand your frustration but I whole-heartedly believe it is misplaced. There is only one faction of our family that thinks this way and you know who it is. I've spoken in depth with the other family members who do not believe we treated the cabin with disrespect at all. In fact, they are just glad no one was hurt and that we got the window replaced. As far as us "paying dues" or whatever, mom and dad, Mark and Allan, all of them NEVER payed ANY dues until they took the deed to the cabin. Basically, they used the cabin for 25 years without "paying" for it, yet such things as flooding (because the faucet was left on) and other incidents didn't mean they weren't allowed to stay there. And finally, our friends understand the seriousness of the situation fully. I told them why that window was important, how we got it and everything. So, no one is taking this lighthtly, but in order to have some closure, it's best to adopt a sense of humor about things.
Well put, Patrick. You helped clarify Chris's point, which was not clear - He felt as though my post made light of the situation. It is true, having a sense of humor about what you cannot change is our way of dealing with/ closing the issue.
Damn Evan's workin' those boxer briefs....sorry I missed it!!!! ;-)
There may be an encore performance this weekend
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