Don't Label Me!
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Amy F. once told me that I reminded her of Monica on 'Friends,' the time when she starts freaking out about having a baby in her apartment..."What if the baby gets into the ribbon rawer?!! What if the baby has so much stuff that we can't have a ribbon drawer!!!!????"
What can I say? I don't have a ribbon drawer, but I LOVE school supplies, I love rubber-maid boxes and storage bins, and I love organizing. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE my label maker (Monica says, "You call three hours with my label maker work? Ha!"). But last night, I put it to good use at Liz's graduation party by making it a party favor.
And now it's time for a breakdown (From top left to bottom right):
- Canadian. Phaedra was singing a Bryan Adams song on karaoke...You know it's true...
- 99 bottles of beer on the wall - 10 down, 89 to go. This was Steve's running tally. He got to fifteen before I drove us home and he crashed on my couch.
- Sexy Thing. Guess what song Lisa was singing?
- New Paragraph, Indent. If you know the tale of dirty old women's weekend, you get this.
- Scooter's Girlfriend. Celeste.
- Wanna make out? Worn by all the girls at the party. Remeber, according to my recent study of social behavior, the use of said phrase has a 95% return rate.
- Scooter. Note- by some straws coincidence, the two scooter references are not related, and Rachel is not, in fact, Celeste's boyfriend.
- Yes, my rib is broken and no, I do not have TB. Ah, the perceptions that arise over a person who holds her rib in place and puts her head down by her feet while coughing violently.
- Twinkle toes. A name most recently credited to her pointed ballet toes while singing karaoke on Friday night. She also stands and sways very well.
- Aaatraaayuuu! Come on, don't tell me you've never seen the Never Ending Story.
- Are you nineteen? Wanna make out? In reference to the boyfriends of yester-month.
- College: The best seven years of my life. This is usually a joke...Not for me! I just completed year seven.
And one last piece of wisdom from Monica, for all you graduates:
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it."
Yay, Robin! - Robin's Graduation

My third graduation ceremony in two days...This one was awesome: The dean spoke, they gave an award to a high achieving alumnist, then went straight to the presentation of the graduates. Still, there were so many of them that it took quite a while, about as long as mine did. Robin looked so sharp in his green shirt and tie, and was super easy to find in the crowd since he is so tall! I didn't get to go to his reception because I needed to go to Liz's, which I'd already missed two hours of by the time I got there...This was my compromise :-) Oh, and I totally have a picture of Robin giving the thumbs-up in a sea of grads, but it's a little blurry, darn it. Such a classic maneuver.
And this marks the end of this year's graduations. Yay, us!
Yay, Liz! - Liz's Graduation

I wish I knew how to post videos, because I took one of Liz walking up to receive her diploma that really captures the enthusiasm of all of the people in the bottom right photograph. We yelled so loud and were so excited that my camera was shaking, so the video is a little Blair-witchy. Her ceremony was small and very cute, with great speakers and some really great music. I think Liz's favorite part was the Graduate student speaker's rip on frat houses within the context of thinking beyond ones narrow vision of the world.
Yay, Me! - My Graduation

These are pictures from my graduation on Friday. It rained pretty hard during the ceremony. Look close and you can see that my hat is about to wilt away in the bottom right picture. After finishing up last week, I am now the holder of a Master of Education in Teaching and Learning, as well as the recipient of an Oregon teaching license with and ESOL endorsement. The pictures on the right column are my favorite. I think I'm going to frame the one of me with my parents.
Wilson River House
Dad and I have been working on getting the River House Blog up and running. There are two new posts. Check it out and join in the conversations!!!
First Interview Down
If you were to pick three things you wanted your students to learn this year, what would they be?
After some blanking and stalling with the, "Wow, that's a great question" technique, I said I would want students in my classroom to walk away with a sense of community and understanding of what community means, essential study skills for being successful in middle school and beyond, and a sense of themselves as learners and the types of conditions in which they learn best. This sounds better in print than it did when I said it.
What will be the indicators of your success?
Phew...That's loaded question. I said that my students' learning and progress will be the best indicator of my teaching, because if they're not learning, I can't really be called a teacher. There is more I could have said, but I didn't want to make them think that I'm concerned with administrator approval.
I think it went well overall, except that it was so hot in the room we were in that I was really sweaty at first. Then, when I walked out, I recognized the person that was coming in for the next interview slot. I didn't realize until later that she is the substitute teacher that took over for the classroom next to mine at Page when the real teacher took maternity leave. I'm starting to think that she would probably be more qualified than me, but then again, I don't really know her at all, nor have I seen her teach.
They will make a decision by the end of the week, the the human resources department will get back to me by, hopefully, next Friday. If offered the job, though, they said that I could come into my classroom anytime over the summer do get settled in, which is great.
Well, that's the story. I'm going to try not to think about it all weekend, because I'M GRADUATING FROM GRADUATE SCHOOL!!! No more school for the rest of my life (oh, um...Except the nine graduate credits I have to take over then next three years to continue my teaching license, but whatever, I'll do that later). Finally, my college life is over...I'll miss it, but I'm glad to get out at the same time.
So Frekin' Busy

Hi! If you're wondering why I haven't posted lately, you're welcome to finish up my Master's projects for me. I promise I'll get back to it once all this school (schmool) crap is over and done. I'll be done Tuesday night at 8:00 and I plan to be drunk promptly at 8:30.
This is us with Sammy's senior portrait. I can't remember ever seeing Sammy in a skirt that wasn't a sarong or 80's buttrock skirt. And check out the 90's hair and sweater! I love this picture, thanks Evan!