Meet Araggog, a spider friend who has occupied the window outside my office since I moved to this house. For several weeks now, I thought he was dead because I haven't seen him move from the corner of the window. But today he crept out to catch and wrap up some lunch. He's probably some kind of nasty, poisonous spider that will bite me in my sleep, causing me to loose useful appendages, but he's a great form of entertainment when I'm sitting in front of the computer. Well, spacing out in front of the computer. I'll introduce you to him next time you visit.
Yikes, I'm never coming over now!!! ;)
My mom had a spider living in her sink for like a year and she named it Gorbischov or however you spell that guy from Russia's name. Anyway, I killed it eventually. A little flushy flush and it was gone. I'm older and wiser now though so your spider might have a chance.
liz g (aka anonymous)
I think Araggog is a vicsious name. Why not try something a little more digestable. Chauncy, perhaps? And if Chauncy turns out to be a girl, name her Chauncetta.
I can't wait...
I have a spider friend of my own on my blogg. His name is Phil II, named after the great Phillip the first who was tragically consumed by one of my neighbors in an attempt to practice for Fear Factor...
I can't believe she ate Phill... We were just chillin on the couch, having a great time, and then she grabbed my little friend and ate him...
how odd.
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