Well, here I am once again, proving to the community that I am an upstanding member of society, fullly competent to take care of its children. At least I'm only a weekend drunk. And a once-a-month weekend drunk at that. Except December. Oh, and maybe January. Not to mention all three summer months. Okay, so I'm a not-every-weekend drunk.
Phaedra's end of term party was fun. The PBR flowed, and so did the uninhibited stupid comments. I usually get up at 6am every day, so it's pretty funny that we stayed up until 5 in the morning. I have no clue what we were doing for that long. Something to the effect of what is pictured in this post.
Ah well, time to stop being a drunk and get back to school, my full time job. I hope to see many lovely people at the Eugene party this weekend.
Love and drunken comments.
Sorry to miss you at the party. I was so looking forward to seeing old friends, but then assed out and went to bed by 10:00 after working 12 hours on Friday and 6 on Saturday. See... you're not the only boring person around these parts!
Post more pictures of that kick ass party!
Reveal yourself!
Ah hemm...cough*Phaedra*cough!
Also sorry I missed the party but I'll be there for this Saturday's...finally...hurrah!!!!
Can't wait to see you luv, oh and sorry I didn't call when I said I would...I was also *ahem* drunk ;)
P.S. I just used "I" 7 times, hehe
if i had kids, i wouldn't have any problem with you teaching them. EXCEPT! PBR?! Jesus on a pogo stick, you're the one that needs the schoolin'. Gawd that's nasty sh*t.
Hey, I'll have you know that PBR is the top of the bottom of the line, quite satisfactory for beer bongs. It was all that was left at the end of the night, anyway. Before that I was drinking Dogfish Head Chicory Stout, one of my new favorites. Plus some other New Belgium something whose name I can't recall.
Yay beer bongs! I havn't had a beer bong in months! There is still no distributor for PBR here in Santa Cruz county so we've been scraping by with Tecate tall cans in 7-11 cups on the beach. Tide pools are REALLY COOL when you are buzzed. Alak, Alas, good things come to those who wait, and I can hardly do just that, Sara, to ring in the New Year with a hearty beer bong of fresh PBR administered by my favorite educator. C'mon baby, show me how it's done...
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