Okay, so I apologize for repeated posting of cat pictures, and I do realize that this is a one way ticket to old-cat-lady land, but look how silly my cat was when she was napping this afternoon. What a goofy cat. My cats have hardly left the house in weeks because of the weather, which is odd for them, since they typically behave like ferrell cats that hate me. Maybe it's because I take embarrasing photos of them in the Winter and they rebell for the rest of the year. Maybe it's time for me to go to bed.
Hey, doesn't this cat kinda look like Chris's FACE???!!
Kids, stop fighting. Youre' both right. We all know that the ultimate insult is "your mom's face!"
quit turning everything into something political - not fun
sorry, thought i'd joke around a little bit. it won't happen again.
Chris's Comment:
go ahead, make fun of my insult. sorry if you are stuck in the world of "your mom" jokes. like any other progressive, i like to strike out on my own with original thought and concepts. this makes conservative assholes, like yourself, scared because something new has actually been introduced. the "your face" joke is the new coolest thing in the world, followed closely by super big gulps and cadillacs.
Sorry to edit, Chris, but you ha ha ha-ness was fucking up my sidebar.
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