New Thursday afternoon tradition: Lunch at the Empire Buffet with Patrick, Liz, & Robin.
In preparation, we ate minimally before our 2:00 lunch date. My breakfast consisted of a fruit juice popsickle and Patrick's was an english muffin. Going to the Empire takes preparation and endurance. There's no room for snackers or filling up on bread at the buffet, baby.
Our meals consisted largely of sushi, paritally of fruit and fried_____ (insert vegetable/meat), and minimally of soda (which does not come with the meal, frugal people be warned!). Over the course of the meal we ate too much, laughed about republicans, and shared gossip. Three plates and twenty minutes of sitting/digesting later, we went our separate ways, back to the non-sushi world.
See you next Thursday
laughed about republicans? =(
or should we say certain republicans - eorge-gay ush-bay
we actually spoke well of other republicans
oooooh! secret code! what does it say?! what does it say?!
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