I took a Simpsons quiz and did better than I expected. My score was "Not Quite a Homer:"
Not Quite a Homer
You know who shot Mr. Burns and that Bart owns a pair of Krusty the Clown underwear. You may even know Paul McCartney lives behind the beer section at the Kwik-E-Mart. (That's pushing it, though.)But you don't dissect every episode detail by detail which is probably a good thing. Stay strong.
Take the quiz and tell me your score. I'm sure all of my loyal readers will leave me in the dust, since I haven't watched the Simpsons in years and most of them have archived every episode on their xboxes.
And FYI, you people that read blogs and don't comment are lame. I'm not referring to my avid readers, of course.
i'm not quite a homer as well. 7 correct ain't bad though, right? keep the quizzes coming, sara!
Hey, I got 5 correct and it told me, "Don't have a Cow, Man."
That was Steve, a.k.a Thunder
click the word "quiz"
I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarassed. I got "Super Simpsonian" with 11 correct questions
Doh! Makes me look like a looser. Don't be embarassed about obsessive-level understanding of the simpsons...it's okay...(Sara justifies her poor showing)
Me too! "Almost a Homer". Damn, some of those questions were really hard. Don't worry, though. People aren't taking the quiz because they are obviously afraid of appearing totally stupid. Besides if you fail this quiz, you might as well kill yourself. I sure as hell know I wouldn't speak to you anymore.
woo hoo!
Super Simpsonian
You haven't missed much. From Disco Stu to Lurleen Lumpkin to Hugh Parkfield, you know your yellowbellies in and out. Speaking of which, you could probably stand to get out more!
But I did get 1 wrong :(
that would be 13 out of 14
this is Laura and i am a proud SUPER SIMPSONIAN, but i did get the one about who bart was named after wrong, i figured it must have been his brother.........d'oh!!! love and miss you guys and hope you didn't miss the episode last night about canadian drugs, it was HILARIOUS! :-) (and hey sometimes i just want to look at whats going on in Eugene without saying anything) p.s. it was a beautiful 79 degrees here today haa! haa! (as Nelson would say)
not quite a homer, so sad... I got Apu's last name right and that's good enough for me....
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