
Angeleneskie Blogskie

If you're starting to forget what Angelene looked like, here is a link to her moblog. It is an online photo album of pictures she's taken with her mobile phone camera.

Trixie's Pics (click here!)


Personality Test

I took this personality test. It's pretty accurate. I'm not very agreeable, but at least I am calm about it, ha ha.

I'm a O70-C64-E89-A27-N22 Big Five!!

How do you stack up?


Cinco de Mayo

Create your own video at One True Media


Phaedra's Birthday, Updated

Phaedra sent me pictures to accompany the post about her birthday. Scroll down!


Cat Fight

Welcome to another evening of cat fights at La Casa de Sara. In this corner we have Flow, a.k.a "Mama," and in the other corner, "The Dude."

The dude moves in for the attack and invites the duel by slapping Mama across the face.

"Are you threatening me!?" Mama pulls a double reverse presto back flip maneuver, and The Dude counters with a back-leg thumping round-house kick to the face.

Mama: 1. The Dude:0
The Dude approaches Mama once again, ready for revenge and a chance to regain his dignity.

Hissing ensues, and neither contender instigates a rematch. Mama is the winner by default. Ashamed, The Dude projects his anger onto the photographer.