
Post-Election Blues

I've taken time to cool off before responding to the disappointment and disease that are the results of the 2004 election, nationally and otherwise. Within the stages of grief, I'm still at stage One: Denial.

Denial that so many hateful, ignorant people can live amongst me without even knowing that they are hateful and ignorant (hence, ignorance, Sara).

Denial that the majority of people are the hateful, ignorant people of which I speak.

And mostly, denial that a man who lies, casts stones, and war-mongers will continue to be our president for the next FOUR years, a time that he will use wisely, I'm sure, in his quest to empower the rich and fuck over the poor.

Four more years of this! Don't be surprised if I develop a twitch and start smoking crack by the end of it all. Hey, everybody copes differently, don't judge me.

A popular I'm-hurt-and-in-denial coping strategy of the nation's progressives has been humor, such as the satirical suggestion of forming a new country made up of only the "blue" states. Tim Bedore, a comedian and political commentator on NPR's Marketplace expressed this sentiment yesterday. You should definitely listen... it's pretty funny.

Click Here: NPR's Marketplace: Commentary by Tim Bedore

Press the "Listen to commentary" button and the show will start playing in RealPlayer format. It's a fast-streaming program, even if you use dial-up.

Enjoy, and remember: Depression is anger without the enthusiasm. Perk up and start working toward change, both today and in 2008.


cmo said...

Hey Sara... I am one of the hateful, ignorant people living amongst you. Please be aware that just because people are conservative does not mean that they are uneducated bigots. There are just as many variations of political thought on the right side as on the left. You can't blame the passing of measure 36 on coservatives when Oregon went to Kerry, and Defazio beat Feldkamp in a landslide (the reason I bring that up is because lane county voted for the ban). It is time for many to realize that the left, too, has tremendous numbers of people saying one thing and doing another. Let me tell you one thing I know for sure: The way to change people's minds is not by craming things down their throats and just having activist judges re-interperet the law at their discretion. The way to get people to accept gay marriage as being equal to same-sex marriage is to show them, using simple logic and reasoning, that it is unethical to provide rights to some and deny them to others. You would think this is something that our population as a whole understands, but obviously that is tragically not the case. Ok, so I went off on a tangent there for a while, but my point is this: conservatives are not a bunch of ass-backwards rednecks, and liberals are not all a smelly bunch of goddamn hippies. I sincerely agree with John Kerry, when in his concession speech said that it is time to work together, to reach across the aisle. This is truly the only way to make america great again. It's never been one side doing all the good and the other side consistenly screwing it all up. If people believe that, then they are too partisan for any good to happen. Well, that's my two cents. Well, maybe a nickle. Talk to you later... ~chris (the rightwingbastardo)

p.s. please don't start smoking crack. drugs are bad, mmmmkay?

Sara said...

Chris: I guess it wasn't clear that I was talking about the election as a whole, not just the presidential aspect, and I am not seeking to blame conservatives or republicans for the measure 36 stuff...nor democrats...I blame the ignorant, despite their party affiliation. I am disappointed in the presidential election results but apalled at the measure 36 results. When I used the words hateful and ignorant I was referring to those people that voted yes on 36, not those that voted for duh-buh. So there is no partisan blame here...I didn't intend to communicate that message but I guess I did, inadvertently. :-) Thanks for a different perspective.