I think Kellyclare is the last of my friends to turn twenty-one. We celebrated on midnight of her birthday because I couldn't go out with her on Friday. Stacy, KC, Autum, and I started off by playing some cribbage and getting dinner, then we headed off to the bars for the stroke of midnight. Except the Horse Head wouldn't let her in at the stroke of midnight, so it was off to Max's for the stroke of 12:15. Max's let her in, welcomed her with open happy birthday arms, and even bought her two beers. Such a good bar!!! She had a good time, and still got to have fun the next night, as she told me later. The highlights of her acutal birthday include loosing her ID and getting a bunch of phone numbers, none for which she can remember the person that gave them. Now that's a good twenty-oner.
P.S. Kellclare has joined us bloggers and is updating her blog a lot these days, so check it out!
Sweet. I wonder if she's single.
Strange question.
Not all Oregonians, just the young alcoholics :-)
As long as we're in college it is "Party-ers" as soon as we graduate it's called "Alcoholism" You do the math.
What the hell was that about?
You're telling me. Some idiot being a big fat idiot, obviously lacking in respect as well as tact.
Dude, sara, what did you have to take off, and what's up with the "I want to eat sara" thing that's still there?
Well, as you can see, people have put some weird comments on her blog recently. This one was so far over the line, I am actually still pissed about it.
Some crack-head writing stupid shit. See my previous comment.
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